These By-Laws have been adopted by the Committee of the Forest Hills Golf Club Inc.

These by-Laws shall be read in conjunction with the Rules of Golf.

It is the duty of every Member:
2.1 To ensure that any guest he/she invites to the club conforms to the Club’s rules regarding dress,
etiquette, behavior and payment of green fees, where applicable.
2.2 Adhere to the Rules of Golf and the Etiquette as prescribed in Section 1 thereof and these By-Laws.
2.3 To protect the Club’s property particularly the club rooms, the trees and bushes from damage.
2.4 To carry a sand bucket and to use the soil provided for the purpose of repairing divots.
2.5 To smooth out holes and footprints in bunkers and to avoid walking up the face of bunkers.
2.6 To repair, subject to the Rules of Golf, ball marks on the greens.
2.7 To replace the flag stick correctly in the hole before leaving the green.
2.8 To ensure that when putting down the flagstick on the green no damage is done to the green.
2.9 To play from the tee-markers of the day as prescribed by the Captain.
2.10 To report any breach of the By-Laws to the Match Committee either verbally or in writing.
2.11 The player with the lowest handicap is to assume the position of Captain of the match and as such to
be responsible for the observance of the Rules of Golf and Etiquette.
2.12 To observe the practice of Ready Golf by:

2.12.1 Keeping pace with the group in front.
2.12.2 Lead group completing 9 holes in a maximum of 2 hours.
2.12.3 Looking for possible lost ball by player whose ball is potentially lost.
2.12.4 Hitting if ready and safe to do so.
2.12.5 Marking your card after you have hit from the next tee.
2.12.6 Proceeding to your ball as quickly as possible.

3.1 All categories of Members have equal rights to use the Clubhouse.
3.2 Junior Members are entitled to use the Clubhouse except they may not be served alcohol nor partake
of any alcoholic drink either in the clubhouse or on the course except with a meal when accompanied
by a parent or legal guardian.

4.1 Immediately upon arrival at the Club each visitor must attend the clubhouse and be signed into the
Visitors / Guest Book by a Member
4.2 Immediately upon arrival at the Club non-playing Members / Visitors must be signed into the Visitors /
Guest Book by a Member.

5.1 Members and their Visitors are required to be suitably always attired on the course and in the
5.2 All Members and Visitors must always wear a collared shirt or a suitable round neck golf shirt.
5.3 Suitable trousers or shorts or skirts for the ladies are permitted.
5.4 The following items are not permitted on the golf course or the clubhouse:
5.4.1 Singlet Tops
5.4.2 Thongs – may be worn after golf.
5.4.3 Hats are not permitted in the clubhouse.
5.4.4 For Members who visit the Club after work on a Saturday, may be permitted in the Club
House in their work gear on the Committee’s discretion after the completion of the

6.1 Playing conditions generally and all competitions shall be controlled by the Captain and the Match
Committee, and its decision always shall be final. The competition of the day, as determined by the
Match Committee must be always played.
6.2 In all Club competitions where the Match Committee has not appointed a referee, any protest must be
lodged with the Match Committee within 15 minutes after the completion of the competition. Where a
referee has been appointed by the Match Committee, their decision is final.
6.3 All members and visitors need to be at the club by 8.00 am and select a numbered ball to indicate their
playing position in the field. Should a member or visitor arrive after 8.00 am the Captain or Vice
Captain will allocate a playing position for that person in descending order.
6.4 Members must lodge a signed score card within 15 minutes of completing their round.
6.5 Members have an obligation to return all score cards from competitions at Forest Hills Golf Club or
other clubs, so that an accurate handicap assessment can be made.
6.6 Members remaining unfinancial from one month after the date upon which fees fall due shall be
ineligible to win a competition.

7.1 Match Play Events must start from the 1st tee
7.2 Match Play must be played from the permanent blue markers.
7.3 The draw will be done in accordance with the results of the qualifying round and limited to a maximum
of 16 players.
7.4 Playing matches and stroke play concurrently is not permitted.
7.5 Match Play events have priority over the field.
7.6 Current handicaps at the start of the event must be used.
7.7 Where dates are set by which the matches are to be played, player/s available on that date may claim
a forfeit if opponent/s are not available.
7.7.1 Under extenuating circumstances, by mutual agreement and having advised the Captain a
match may be played during the week as long as there is a winner prior to the next scheduled
7.8 For the Match Play Championship once a player has lost, they will play the following weeks as Match
Play or Stableford as decided by the Captain.

8.1 In all VGL Medal Days when there is a tie, the method of determining a winner will be based on the
“Matched Cards System” as per the Rules of Golf – Appendix 1 Stroke Play (C).
8.2 For Championship events should a tie occur then on an agreed day by the players and the Match
Committee, an eighteen-hole playoff will occur.
8.2.1 If at the end of the eighteen holes play off there is still a tie, play will continue until there is a
winner. Starting at the first hole, then the second and so on until there is a winner.
8.3 In all other events should there be a tie; the method of “Matching Cards System” will be used to
determine the winner as per the Rules of Golf – Appendix 1 Stroke Play (C).

9.1 As prescribed in the Rules of the Club – Clause 4 – Sub Clause 12 the Fees and Subscriptions are
due in advance of 1st July of each year except the first subscription of a new member which shall
come due and payable upon approval of their Membership Application by the Committee on a Prorata
9.2 A member whose subscription is in arrears shall not be eligible for selection as a representative of the
Club in any event conducted by the Victorian Golf League or any other organization or vote at any
meeting or nominate for any office or nominate any candidate for election as a member or as an office
bearer until all such arrears are paid in full.
9.3 All unfinancial members are not eligible to compete in the competition of the day.
9.4 If a member’s subscription remains unpaid on the Thirty First (31st) day of July in any year, that
member shall forfeit all rights and privileges in the Club and their name shall be removed from the
Register of Members and shall cease to be a member. Unless an arrangement has been made with the Treasurer.

10.1 The Committee will determine the Weekly Competition Fee’s.
10.2 This fee will be made up of the schedule fee applicable to playing a round of golf by the management
of the golf course and a competition fee to allow for the purchase of trophies and prizes for each day’s
competition. This fee will be rounded off to the nearest dollar.
10.3 A Junior Member will pay a Weekly Competition Fee as determined by the committee. This is done to
encourage junior members.
10.4 All Life Members are required to pay the Weekly Competition Fee.

11.1 Complaints
11.1.1 Any complaint concerning the affairs of the Club or conduct of any member of the Committee,
or any member shall be directed to either the President or Captain and is required to be in
11.1.2 Such complaint will then be heard by the Disciplinary Committee as organized by the
Executive of the Committee.
11.2 Loss Property
11.2.1 The Club is not responsible for loss or theft or damage to property of any Member or persons
on or about the course or premises.

11.3 Using Club for Business
11.3.1 No Member shall give the address of the Club in any advertisement or use the Club address
for business purposes
11.4 Club Property
11.4.1 Removal of or damage to Club property by Members is prohibited. Payment on demand of
the full cost for restoration for damage or loss to property shall be made the Member’s
11.5 Betting
11.5.1 The sale of lottery tickets or tokens of any kind other than that as prescribed by the Committee
are strictly forbidden in any part of the course or clubhouse.
11.6 Pets
11.6.1 Pets are not permitted on the golf course whilst members or visitors are playing.
11.7 Address
11.7.1 Every Member shall lodge his or her current address and contact details with the Treasurer
and advise him of any changes. The addresses will be recorded in the Register of Members
and all notices posted there shall be deemed to have been delivered in the ordinary course of
11.8 Telephones
11.8.1 Mobile phones are permitted on course where there is a need for business or in the case of an
emergency. Every effort must be made not to disturb other members or visitors whilst they
are playing. Where practical ensure mobile phones are on silent or vibrate.

11.9 Interpretation of the Rules
11.9.1 In the event of any difficulty arising as to the meaning of the Rules of the Club, the decision of
the Committee is final.
11.9.2 The consumption of alcohol purchased at the Forest Hills Golf Club Rooms can not be
consumed outside the boundaries of the Clubrooms, is in violation of the Liquor Control Board
regulations and is therefore prohibited.
11.9.3 A copy of the Constitution and By-Laws are available from the Secretary upon request.